I do research to drive more sustainable use of the coastal marine environment, with a special interest in aquaculture. I’m currently a postdoctoral research fellow in the SALTT lab at Deakin University (Australia). We recently moved to DU from the University of Melbourne, and I’ve also been working with the Norwegian Institute of Marine Research and the The Nature Conservancy.
Theme 1: Fish health and parasite control in salmon
Intensive salmon farming has brings economic benefits, but
also problems. Salmon farms amplify pathogens and parasites,
including sea lice, which cause welfare issues in farmed
salmon and threaten wild populations (we estimate that 99% of
salmon lice in Norwegian waters originate from salmon farms).
New methods are needed to prevent, monitor and treat
infestations without compromising animal welfare
Theme 2: Ecologically beneficial
Aquaculture modifies coastal marine environments by providing
structure and food and altering nutrient dynamics. A better
understanding of these effects can help achieve more positive
outcomes, mitigate negative impacts, and provide a net
enhancement of ecosystem services for coastal communities.
Theme 3: Rocky reef ecology, conservation and
Seaweed and kelp habitats are diverse and productive, but have
come under threat from multiple stressors including
eutrophication, sedimentation and overgrazing. I’m interested
in the conservation of seaweed habitats in degraded coastal
areas, including the role of invasive macroalgae as surrogate
habitat and strategies to manage overabundant sea urchins and
allow recovery of kelp ecosystems.
Barrett LT, Oppedal F (2025) Characterisation of the underwater soundscape at Norwegian salmon farms. Aquaculture. Open access.
Barrett LT, Oppedal F, Harvey M, Eichner C, Sambraus F, Dalvin S (2025) Collection rates of detached mobile sea lice according to net mesh and body size: a benchtop model. Aquacultural Engineering. Open access.
Dalvin S, Oppedal F, Harvey M, Barrett LT (2025) Salmon lice detached during aquaculture practices survive and can reinfest other hosts. Aquaculture. Open access.
Loebmann A, Geitung L, Barrett LT, Oppedal F, Dempster T (2025) Jump nets passively isolate lice-infected salmon and enable targeted treatment using cleaner fish. Aquaculture. Open access.
Overton K, Dempster T, Swearer SE, Morris RL, Barrett LT (2024) Predictors of outplanted marine bivalve survival in restoration: a review and synthesis. Journal of Applied Ecology. Open access.
Barrett LT, Unneland Larsen L-T, Bui S, VÃ¥gseth T, Eide E, Dempster T, Oppedal F, Folkedal O (2024) Post-smolt Atlantic salmon can regulate buoyancy in submerged sea-cages by gulping air bubbles. Aquacultural Engineering. Open access.
Oppedal F, Barrett LT, Fraser TWK, VÃ¥gseth T, Zhang G, Andersen OG, Jacson L, Dieng M-A, Vindas MA (2024) The behavioral and neurobiological response to sound stress in salmon. Brain, Behavior and Evolution. email for pdf
Loebmann A, Barrett LT, Oppedal F, Dempster T (2024) A passive fish sampling method is representative for size but selective for parasite load. Aquaculture. Open access.
Harvey M, Barrett LT, Morris RL, Swearer SE, Dempster T (2024) Ocean sprawl: The global footprint of shellfish and algae aquaculture and its implications for production, environmental impact, and biosecurity. Aquaculture. Open access.
Overton K, Dempster T, Swearer SE, Morris RL, Barrett LT (2023) Aerial exposure tolerance of juvenile flat oysters (Ostrea angasi) depends on shell length and air temperature. Restoration Ecology. Open access.
Robinson N, Østbye TKK, Kettunen AH, Coates A, Barrett LT, Robledo D, Dempster T (2023) A guide to assess the use of gene editing in aquaculture. Reviews in Aquaculture. Open access.
Overton K, Dempster T, Swearer SE, Morris RL, Barrett LT (2023) Achieving conservation and restoration outcomes through ecologically beneficial aquaculture. Conservation Biology. Open access.
Nilsson J, Barrett LT, Mangor-Jensen A, Nola V, Harboe T, Folkedal O (2023) Effect of water temperature and exposure duration on detachment rate of salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis); testing the relevant thermal spectrum used for delousing. Aquaculture. Open access.
Robinson N, Robledo D, Sveen L, Daniels R, Krasnov A, Coates A, Jin Y, Barrett LT, Lillehammer M, Kettunen A, Phillips B, Dempster T, Doeschl-Wilson A, Samsing F, Difford G, Salisbury S, Gjerde B, Haugen J-E, Burgerhout E, Dagnachew B, Kurian D, Fast MD, Rye M, Salazar M, Bron JE, Monaghan S, Jacq C, Birkett M, Browman H, Skiftesvik A, Fields D, Selander E, Bui S, Sonesson A, Skugor S, Knutsdatter Østbye T-K, Houston R (2022) Applying genetic technologies to combat infectious diseases in aquaculture. Reviews in Aquaculture. Open access.
Lennox RJ, Barrett LT, Nilsen C, Berhe S, Barlaup B, Vollset KW (2022) Moving cleaner fish from the wild into fish farms: a zero-sum game? Ecological Modelling. Open access.
Macaulay G, Barrett LT, Dempster T (2022) Recognising trade-offs between welfare and environmental outcomes in aquaculture will enable good decisions. Aquaculture Environment Interactions. Open access.
Barrett LT, Oldham T, Kristiansen TS, Oppedal F, Stien LH (2022) Declining size-at-harvest in Norwegian salmon aquaculture: lice, disease, and the role of stunboats. Aquaculture. Open access.
Oppedal O, Stien LH, Bui S, Oldham T, Barrett LT (2022) Physical prevention and control of sea lice. Book chapter in: Sea Lice Biology and Control (edited by J Treasurer et al.). 5m Books. email for pdf
Wilson S, Fulton C, Graham N, Abesamis R, Berkström C, Coker D, Depczynski M, Evans R, Fisher R, Goetze J, Hoey A, Holmes T, Kulbicki M, Noble M, Robinson J, Bradley M, Åkerlund C, Barrett LT, Birt M, Bucol A, Chacin D, Chong-Seng K, Eggertsen L, Eggertsen M, Ellis D, Leung P; Lam P; van Lier J; Matis P, Pérez-Matus A, Piggott C, Radford B, Tano S, Tinkler P (2022) The contribution of macroalgal associated fishes to small-scale tropical reef fisheries. Fish and Fisheries. Open access.
McIntosh P, Barrett LT, Warren-Myers F, Coates A, Macaulay G, Szetey A, Robinson N, White C, Samsing F, Oppedal F, Folkedal O, Klebert P, Dempster T (2022) Supersizing salmon farms in the coastal zone: a global analysis of changes in farm technology and location from 2005 to 2020. Aquaculture. email for pdf
Barrett LT, Theuerkauf SJ, Rose JM, Alleway HK, Bricker SB, Parker M, Petrolia DR, Jones RC (2022) Sustainable growth of non-fed aquaculture can generate valuable ecosystem benefits. Ecosystem Services. Open access.
Swearer SE, Morris RL, Barrett LT, Sievers M, Dempster T, Hale R (2021) An overview of ecological traps in marine ecosystems. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. email for pdf
Macaulay G, Warren-Myers F, Barrett LT, Oppedal F, Føre M, Dempster T (2021) Tag use to monitor fish behaviour in aquaculture: a review of benefits, problems, and solutions. Reviews in Aquaculture. email for pdf
Dempster T, Overton K, Bui S, Stien LH, Oppedal F, Karlsen Ø, Coates A, Phillips BL, Barrett LT (2021) Farmed salmonids drive the abundance, ecology and evolution of parasitic salmon lice in Norway. Aquaculture Environment Interactions. Open access.
Theuerkauf SJ, Barrett LT, Alleway HK, Costa-Pierce B, St. Gelais A, Jones R (2021) Habitat value of bivalve shellfish and seaweed aquaculture for fish and invertebrates: pathways, synthesis, next steps. Reviews in Aquaculture. Open access.
Barrett LT, Swearer SE, Dempster T (2020) Native predator limits the capacity of an invasive seastar to exploit a food-rich habitat. Marine Environmental Research. pdf
Barrett LT, Oppedal F, Robinson N, Dempster T (2020) Prevention not cure: a review of methods to avoid sea lice infestations in salmon aquaculture. Reviews in Aquaculture. pdf
Bui S, Geitung L, Oppedal F, Barrett LT (2020) Salmon lice survive the straight shooter: efficacy of laser delousing in commercial sea cages. Preventive Veterinary Medicine. Open access.
Bui S, Oppedal F, Nola V, Barrett LT (2020) Where art thou louse? A snapshot of attachment location preferences in salmon lice on Atlantic salmon hosts in sea cages. Journal of Fish Diseases. Open access.
Fulton CJ, Berkström C, Wilson SK, Abesamis RA, Bradley M, Åkerlund C, Barrett LT, Bucol AA, Chacin DH, Chong-Seng KM, Coker DJ, Depczynski M, Eggertsen L, Eggertsen M, Ellis D, Evans RD, Graham NAJ, Hoey AS, Holmes TH, Kulbicki M, Leung PTY, Lam PKS, van Lier J, Matis PA, Noble MM, Pérez-Matus A, Piggott C, Radford BT, Tano S, Tinkler P (2020) Macroalgal meadow habitats support fish and fisheries in diverse tropical seascapes. Fish and Fisheries. pdf
Barrett LT, Overton K, Stien LH, Oppedal F, Dempster T (2020) Effect of cleaner fish on sea lice in Norwegian salmon aquaculture: a national scale data analysis. International Journal for Parasitology. pdf
Overton K, Barrett LT, Oppedal F, Kristiansen TS, Dempster T (2020) Sea lice removal by cleaner fish in salmon aquaculture: a review of the evidence base. Aquaculture Environment Interactions. Open access.
Hassell K, Barrett LT, Dempster T (2020) Impacts of human-induced pollution on wild fish welfare. Book chapter in: The Welfare of Fish (edited by T Kristiansen et al.). Springer
Barrett LT, Bui S, Oppedal F, Bardal T, Olsen RE, Dempster T (2020) Ultraviolet-C light suppresses reproduction of sea lice but has adverse effects on host salmon. Aquaculture. pdf
Barrett LT, Pert CG, Bui S, Oppedal F, Dempster T (2020) Sterilization of sea lice eggs with ultraviolet C light: towards a new preventative technique for aquaculture. Pest Management Science. pdf
Barrett LT, Dempster T, Swearer SE (2019) A nonnative habitat-former mitigates native habitat loss for endemic reef fishes. Ecological Applications. pdf
Barrett LT, Swearer SE, Dempster T (2019) Impacts of marine and freshwater aquaculture on wildlife: a global meta-analysis. Reviews in Aquaculture. pdf
Barrett LT, Swearer SE, Harboe T, Karlsen Ø, Meier S, Dempster T (2018) Limited evidence for differential reproductive fitness of wild Atlantic cod in areas of high and low salmon farming density. Aquaculture Environment Interactions. Open access.
Barrett LT, de Lima A, Goetze JS (2018) Evidence of a biomass hotspot for targeted fish species within Namena Marine Reserve, Fiji. Pacific Conservation Biology. pdf
Dempster T, Arechavala-Lopez P, Barrett LT, Fleming IA, Sanchez-Jerez P, Uglem I (2018) Recapturing escaped fish from marine aquaculture is largely unsuccessful: alternatives to reduce the number of escapees in the wild. Reviews in Aquaculture. pdf
Barrett LT, Evans JP, Gasparini C (2014) The effects of perceived mating opportunities on patterns of reproductive investment by male guppies. PLoS ONE. Open access.
Salmon soundscape
Global footprint of shellfish and algae aquaculture
12 ways aquaculture can benefit the environment
Juggling environmental and animal welfare goals in aquaculture
Stunboats salvage moribund salmon after delousing treatments
Sustainable growth of non-fed aquaculture can generate valuable ecosystem benefits
Wild fish and invertebrates use shellfish and seaweed farms as habitat
Should we be tagging fish for aquaculture research?
Sea lice prevention is better than cure
Automated laser technology doesn’t work yet (in snorkel cages)
Variable and short-lived effects of cleaner fishes when viewed at national scale
The use of cleaner fishes in salmon farming is based on weak evidence
UVC light for sterilisation of sea louse eggs
Recapturing fish that escape from farms does not work: what are the alternatives?
An introduction to ecological traps
2018: PhD | Marine Ecology
University of Melbourne
Habitat preferences and fitness consequences for fauna
associated with novel marine environments
2013: BSc (Honours) | Zoology and Marine
University of Western Australia
Effect of expected future mating opportunities on patterns
of reproductive investment by male guppies
Page built using a modified template from the postcards package for R.
I do research to drive more sustainable use of the coastal marine environment, with a special interest in aquaculture. I’m currently a postdoctoral research fellow in the SALTT lab at Deakin University (Australia). We recently moved to DU from the University of Melbourne, and I’ve also been working with the Norwegian Institute of Marine Research and the The Nature Conservancy.
Theme 1: Fish health and parasite control in
salmon aquaculture
Intensive salmon farming has brings economic benefits, but
also problems. Salmon farms amplify pathogens and
parasites, including sea lice, which cause welfare issues
in farmed salmon and threaten wild populations (we
estimate that 99% of salmon lice in Norwegian waters
originate from salmon farms). New methods are needed to
prevent, monitor and treat infestations without
compromising animal welfare standards.
Theme 2: Ecologically beneficial
Aquaculture modifies coastal marine environments by
providing structure and food and altering nutrient
dynamics. A better understanding of these effects can help
achieve more positive outcomes, mitigate negative impacts,
and provide a net enhancement of ecosystem services for
coastal communities.
Theme 3: Rocky reef ecology, conservation and
Seaweed and kelp habitats are diverse and productive, but
have come under threat from multiple stressors including
eutrophication, sedimentation and overgrazing. I’m
interested in the conservation of seaweed habitats in
degraded coastal areas, including the role of invasive
macroalgae as surrogate habitat and strategies to manage
overabundant sea urchins and allow recovery of kelp
Barrett LT, Oppedal F (2025) Characterisation of the underwater soundscape at Norwegian salmon farms. Aquaculture. Open access.
Barrett LT, Oppedal F, Harvey M, Eichner C, Sambraus F, Dalvin S (2025) Collection rates of detached mobile sea lice according to net mesh and body size: a benchtop model. Aquacultural Engineering. Open access.
Dalvin S, Oppedal F, Harvey M, Barrett LT (2025) Salmon lice detached during aquaculture practices survive and can reinfest other hosts. Aquaculture. Open access.
Loebmann A, Geitung L, Barrett LT, Oppedal F, Dempster T (2025) Jump nets passively isolate lice-infected salmon and enable targeted treatment using cleaner fish. Aquaculture. Open access.
Overton K, Dempster T, Swearer SE, Morris RL, Barrett LT (2024) Predictors of outplanted marine bivalve survival in restoration: a review and synthesis. Journal of Applied Ecology. Open access.
Barrett LT, Unneland Larsen L-T, Bui S, VÃ¥gseth T, Eide E, Dempster T, Oppedal F, Folkedal O (2024) Post-smolt Atlantic salmon can regulate buoyancy in submerged sea-cages by gulping air bubbles. Aquacultural Engineering. Open access.
Oppedal F, Barrett LT, Fraser TWK, VÃ¥gseth T, Zhang G, Andersen OG, Jacson L, Dieng M-A, Vindas MA (2024) The behavioral and neurobiological response to sound stress in salmon. Brain, Behavior and Evolution. email for pdf
Loebmann A, Barrett LT, Oppedal F, Dempster T (2024) A passive fish sampling method is representative for size but selective for parasite load. Aquaculture. Open access.
Harvey M, Barrett LT, Morris RL, Swearer SE, Dempster T (2024) Ocean sprawl: The global footprint of shellfish and algae aquaculture and its implications for production, environmental impact, and biosecurity. Aquaculture. Open access.
Overton K, Dempster T, Swearer SE, Morris RL, Barrett LT (2023) Aerial exposure tolerance of juvenile flat oysters (Ostrea angasi) depends on shell length and air temperature. Restoration Ecology. Open access.
Robinson N, Østbye TKK, Kettunen AH, Coates A, Barrett LT, Robledo D, Dempster T (2023) A guide to assess the use of gene editing in aquaculture. Reviews in Aquaculture. Open access.
Overton K, Dempster T, Swearer SE, Morris RL, Barrett LT (2023) Achieving conservation and restoration outcomes through ecologically beneficial aquaculture. Conservation Biology. Open access.
Nilsson J, Barrett LT, Mangor-Jensen A, Nola V, Harboe T, Folkedal O (2023) Effect of water temperature and exposure duration on detachment rate of salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis); testing the relevant thermal spectrum used for delousing. Aquaculture. Open access.
Robinson N, Robledo D, Sveen L, Daniels R, Krasnov A, Coates A, Jin Y, Barrett LT, Lillehammer M, Kettunen A, Phillips B, Dempster T, Doeschl-Wilson A, Samsing F, Difford G, Salisbury S, Gjerde B, Haugen J-E, Burgerhout E, Dagnachew B, Kurian D, Fast MD, Rye M, Salazar M, Bron JE, Monaghan S, Jacq C, Birkett M, Browman H, Skiftesvik A, Fields D, Selander E, Bui S, Sonesson A, Skugor S, Knutsdatter Østbye T-K, Houston R (2022) Applying genetic technologies to combat infectious diseases in aquaculture. Reviews in Aquaculture. Open access.
Lennox RJ, Barrett LT, Nilsen C, Berhe S, Barlaup B, Vollset KW (2022) Moving cleaner fish from the wild into fish farms: a zero-sum game? Ecological Modelling. Open access.
Macaulay G, Barrett LT, Dempster T (2022) Recognising trade-offs between welfare and environmental outcomes in aquaculture will enable good decisions. Aquaculture Environment Interactions. Open access.
Barrett LT, Oldham T, Kristiansen TS, Oppedal F, Stien LH (2022) Declining size-at-harvest in Norwegian salmon aquaculture: lice, disease, and the role of stunboats. Aquaculture. Open access.
Oppedal O, Stien LH, Bui S, Oldham T, Barrett LT (2022) Physical prevention and control of sea lice. Book chapter in: Sea Lice Biology and Control (edited by J Treasurer et al.). 5m Books. email for pdf
Wilson S, Fulton C, Graham N, Abesamis R, Berkström C, Coker D, Depczynski M, Evans R, Fisher R, Goetze J, Hoey A, Holmes T, Kulbicki M, Noble M, Robinson J, Bradley M, Åkerlund C, Barrett LT, Birt M, Bucol A, Chacin D, Chong-Seng K, Eggertsen L, Eggertsen M, Ellis D, Leung P; Lam P; van Lier J; Matis P, Pérez-Matus A, Piggott C, Radford B, Tano S, Tinkler P (2022) The contribution of macroalgal associated fishes to small-scale tropical reef fisheries. Fish and Fisheries. Open access.
McIntosh P, Barrett LT, Warren-Myers F, Coates A, Macaulay G, Szetey A, Robinson N, White C, Samsing F, Oppedal F, Folkedal O, Klebert P, Dempster T (2022) Supersizing salmon farms in the coastal zone: a global analysis of changes in farm technology and location from 2005 to 2020. Aquaculture. email for pdf
Barrett LT, Theuerkauf SJ, Rose JM, Alleway HK, Bricker SB, Parker M, Petrolia DR, Jones RC (2022) Sustainable growth of non-fed aquaculture can generate valuable ecosystem benefits. Ecosystem Services. Open access.
Swearer SE, Morris RL, Barrett LT, Sievers M, Dempster T, Hale R (2021) An overview of ecological traps in marine ecosystems. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. email for pdf
Macaulay G, Warren-Myers F, Barrett LT, Oppedal F, Føre M, Dempster T (2021) Tag use to monitor fish behaviour in aquaculture: a review of benefits, problems, and solutions. Reviews in Aquaculture. email for pdf
Dempster T, Overton K, Bui S, Stien LH, Oppedal F, Karlsen Ø, Coates A, Phillips BL, Barrett LT (2021) Farmed salmonids drive the abundance, ecology and evolution of parasitic salmon lice in Norway. Aquaculture Environment Interactions. Open access.
Theuerkauf SJ, Barrett LT, Alleway HK, Costa-Pierce B, St. Gelais A, Jones R (2021) Habitat value of bivalve shellfish and seaweed aquaculture for fish and invertebrates: pathways, synthesis, next steps. Reviews in Aquaculture. Open access.
Barrett LT, Swearer SE, Dempster T (2020) Native predator limits the capacity of an invasive seastar to exploit a food-rich habitat. Marine Environmental Research. pdf
Barrett LT, Oppedal F, Robinson N, Dempster T (2020) Prevention not cure: a review of methods to avoid sea lice infestations in salmon aquaculture. Reviews in Aquaculture. pdf
Bui S, Geitung L, Oppedal F, Barrett LT (2020) Salmon lice survive the straight shooter: efficacy of laser delousing in commercial sea cages. Preventive Veterinary Medicine. Open access.
Bui S, Oppedal F, Nola V, Barrett LT (2020) Where art thou louse? A snapshot of attachment location preferences in salmon lice on Atlantic salmon hosts in sea cages. Journal of Fish Diseases. Open access.
Fulton CJ, Berkström C, Wilson SK, Abesamis RA, Bradley M, Åkerlund C, Barrett LT, Bucol AA, Chacin DH, Chong-Seng KM, Coker DJ, Depczynski M, Eggertsen L, Eggertsen M, Ellis D, Evans RD, Graham NAJ, Hoey AS, Holmes TH, Kulbicki M, Leung PTY, Lam PKS, van Lier J, Matis PA, Noble MM, Pérez-Matus A, Piggott C, Radford BT, Tano S, Tinkler P (2020) Macroalgal meadow habitats support fish and fisheries in diverse tropical seascapes. Fish and Fisheries. pdf
Barrett LT, Overton K, Stien LH, Oppedal F, Dempster T (2020) Effect of cleaner fish on sea lice in Norwegian salmon aquaculture: a national scale data analysis. International Journal for Parasitology. pdf
Overton K, Barrett LT, Oppedal F, Kristiansen TS, Dempster T (2020) Sea lice removal by cleaner fish in salmon aquaculture: a review of the evidence base. Aquaculture Environment Interactions. Open access.
Hassell K, Barrett LT, Dempster T (2020) Impacts of human-induced pollution on wild fish welfare. Book chapter in: The Welfare of Fish (edited by T Kristiansen et al.). Springer
Barrett LT, Bui S, Oppedal F, Bardal T, Olsen RE, Dempster T (2020) Ultraviolet-C light suppresses reproduction of sea lice but has adverse effects on host salmon. Aquaculture. pdf
Barrett LT, Pert CG, Bui S, Oppedal F, Dempster T (2020) Sterilization of sea lice eggs with ultraviolet C light: towards a new preventative technique for aquaculture. Pest Management Science. pdf
Barrett LT, Dempster T, Swearer SE (2019) A nonnative habitat-former mitigates native habitat loss for endemic reef fishes. Ecological Applications. pdf
Barrett LT, Swearer SE, Dempster T (2019) Impacts of marine and freshwater aquaculture on wildlife: a global meta-analysis. Reviews in Aquaculture. pdf
Barrett LT, Swearer SE, Harboe T, Karlsen Ø, Meier S, Dempster T (2018) Limited evidence for differential reproductive fitness of wild Atlantic cod in areas of high and low salmon farming density. Aquaculture Environment Interactions. Open access.
Barrett LT, de Lima A, Goetze JS (2018) Evidence of a biomass hotspot for targeted fish species within Namena Marine Reserve, Fiji. Pacific Conservation Biology. pdf
Dempster T, Arechavala-Lopez P, Barrett LT, Fleming IA, Sanchez-Jerez P, Uglem I (2018) Recapturing escaped fish from marine aquaculture is largely unsuccessful: alternatives to reduce the number of escapees in the wild. Reviews in Aquaculture. pdf
Barrett LT, Evans JP, Gasparini C (2014) The effects of perceived mating opportunities on patterns of reproductive investment by male guppies. PLoS ONE. Open access.
Salmon soundscape
Global footprint of shellfish and algae aquaculture
12 ways aquaculture can benefit the environment
Juggling environmental and animal welfare goals in aquaculture
Stunboats salvage moribund salmon after delousing treatments
Sustainable growth of non-fed aquaculture can generate valuable ecosystem benefits
Wild fish and invertebrates use shellfish and seaweed farms as habitat
Should we be tagging fish for aquaculture research?
Sea lice prevention is better than cure
Automated laser technology doesn’t work yet (in snorkel cages)
Variable and short-lived effects of cleaner fishes when viewed at national scale
The use of cleaner fishes in salmon farming is based on weak evidence
UVC light for sterilisation of sea louse eggs
Recapturing fish that escape from farms does not work: what are the alternatives?
An introduction to ecological traps
2018: PhD | Marine Ecology
University of Melbourne
Habitat preferences and fitness consequences for fauna
associated with novel marine environments
2013: BSc (Honours) | Zoology and Marine
University of Western Australia
Effect of expected future mating opportunities on
patterns of reproductive investment by male
Page built using a modified template from the postcards package for R.